18 February 2012

Councils fined for serious data breaches relating to children - Family Law Newswatch

The council's policy on data security was also inadequate and did not stipulate how sensitive information should be kept secure when taken outside of the office. The Norfolk County Council breach - which also occurred in April 2011 - happened when a ...

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DATA SECURITY: Don't blow it when you travel - ABA Banking Journal

The most costly issue is a potential data breach. This represents about 80% of the cost. Intellectual property loss represents 59% of the total cost. Data breaches can occur not just from stolen laptops. Any digital device may be exploited--even while ...

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Government willing to consider changes to online surveillance bill - Ottawa Citizen

By Sarah Schmidt and Jason Fekete, Postmedia News February 16, 2012 Amid signs that some Conservative MPs are nervous about a public backlash against online surveillance legislation characterized by one Tory as "too intrusive," Public Safety Minister ...

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Feds pile more criminal charges onto Megaupload - Los Angeles Times

The latest version alleges 13 separate violations of federal law -- eight more than the original -- including new charges of willfully infringing copyrighted content from YouTube and committing wire fraud. The latter are based on allegations that ...

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