22 March 2012

Top cause of data breaches? Negligent insiders - Help Net Security

Negligent insiders are the top cause of data breaches while malicious attacks are 25 percent more costly than other types, according to the Ponemon Institute. The study also found organizations which employ a CISO with enterprise-wide responsibility ...

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Data theft: Hacktivists 'steal more than criminals' - BBC News

Hacktivists stole more data from large corporations than cybercriminals in 2011, according to a study of significant security incidents. The annual analysis of data breaches by Verizon uncovered a huge rise in politically motivated attacks.

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Anger follows University of Tampa data breach - Tbo.com

Univ. of Tampa says student info was exposed for 8 months
Network World

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Pressure mounts for police chief to resign over teen's shooting - CNN

Parents, he said, don't feel their children will be safe with Lee heading the police department. "He needs to go right now,' Jealous said. Meanwhile, the uproar over Martin's death continued to grow with another rally planned Thursday night at a ...

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So what has the Information Commissioner got against local councils? - SC Magazine UK

Staff or contractor negligence biggest single cause of UK data breaches last ...

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UK Data Breach Cost Drops To £1.75 Million - TechWeekEurope UK

The overall cost of a data breach in the UK declined in 2011, according to a report, marking a rare upbeat moment in a world rife with security scare stories. Ponemon Institute's research of 36 participating organisations, commissioned by security ...

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Data breaches costing firms £79 per affected record - V3.co.uk

by Alastair Stevenson The cost of data breaches to UK firms has risen 68 per cent in the last five years to £79 per affected record, according to new research by security vendor Symantec. The study examined the data breach costs incurred by 36 UK ...

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Online Activists Outdo Cyber-criminals In Data Theft - ITProPortal

So called "hacktivist" collectives, loosely tied groups of online activists such as Anonymous and LulzSec, were responsible for more data breaches than cyber-criminals last year. That's the finding of a study commissioned by Verizon, which incorporated ...

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'Hacktivists' stole most data last year - Financial Times

Analysis of 855 data breaches by Verizon, the US communications group, found that 174m records were stolen through hacking, viruses and other electronic intrusions in 2011, the second-highest since its Data Breach Investigations Report began in 2004.

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Activists 'commit more data breaches than cybercriminals' - The Guardian

Verizon said that it does not know what percentage of all data breaches is accounted for in its survey. The company said that it did not make sense to compare data from 2011 with that of previous years because it collected information from more law ...

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Report: Hacktivists Out-Stole Cybercriminals in 2011 - Wired News

By Kim Zetter Just two years ago, cybercriminal gangs were behind record-breaking data breaches that resulted in the theft of millions of customer records. But the year 2011 will be remembered as the year hacktivists out-stole cybercriminals to take ...

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Trayvon Martin not a 2nd Amendment case, Black parents say he could have been ... - Washington Times

However, a few weeks ago, George Zimmerman, a 28-year old wannabe-cop with a violent criminal past, used Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' law to escape arrest after he shot and killed a promising young man, 17-year old, Trayvon Martin.

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Walking While Black - Huffington Post

Teaching him that the burden of deflating stereotypes and reassuring other people's ignorance will always fall on him, and while that isn't fair, in some cases it may be the only way to keep him safe and alive. But sometimes it isn't enough.

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Keeping Children Safe From Pesticides - KFYR-TV

The North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner is urging those who use pesticides to keep them out of the reach of children. "This is National Poison Prevention Week, a time for parents and caregivers to make sure their chemicals and pesticides are in ...

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