23 March 2012

Is Application Security the Glaring Hole in Your Defense? - PC Advisor

Risk across the phases of application security
Help Net Security

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Overall cost of a data breach has fallen - Kroll Ontrack

This suggests firms are improving their data recovery plan and response for potential breaches. Companies are beginning to fully understand the extent of the value in the data that they hold and, in particular, the financial loss that could occur if it ...

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'Hacktivists' pose biggest data breach threat, study finds - PC Advisor

By John E Dunn | Techworld | 23 March 12 A tiny but motivated band of 'hacktivists' are supplanting professional criminals as the biggest single data breach threat to large enterprises, an analysis of hundreds of confirmed incident reports has found.

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Assuring citizens of their privacy - Public Service

With the volume of employee churn in the public sector and procurement allowing classified system access to several private companies this is a real concern as citizen data which would once have been kept under lock and key is now accessed by thousands ...

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Thousands of student emails exchanged in data breach - ZDNet (blog)

This kind of mistake fortunately only included the email addresses of the students, but it does serve as a reminder of how only one small human error can result in a serious data protection breach. 'This is such a disgusting error in the security of ...

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Insightful Data Breach Survey - Backup Technology

A recent report by The Ponemom Institute and Symantec found that data breaches cost enterprises $126 per lost record. 'Five years ago when we started reporting on data breaches in the UK, data breaches were a pretty nebulous concept,' stated Larry ...

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2011: The year of the hacktivist - Risk.net

More than half of the data theft from firms in 2011 was the result of 'hacktivism' - online hacking that aims to advance political or social objectives - according to an annual study. The most recent Data Breach Investigations Report, compiled by New ...

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Cheating Manhattan corporate lawyer exposed after 'assault' on gal pal - New York Post

Steven Guynn, who has handled billion-dollar deals involving big-bucks clients around the world, allegedly punched gal pal Jeannette Schaefer after flying into a rage over breakfast last week in the tony New Canaan, Conn., home he shares with his wife.

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5 Ways to Handle and Prevent Cyber-Harassment - ABC News

Continue calling and emailing the website operators until the content has been removed. Protecting Kids From Mom's Death Video Watch Video Get It Off the Web Watch Video 'Destroy Someone's Life in a Minute' Watch Video 4. File a report with your local ...

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Fired engineer may be back at LIRR soon - Newsday

Transportation Newsday > Long Island > Transportation Content Preview Newsday 7 day/Optimum Online subscribers click here for full access Not a Newsday or Optimum Online subscriber? Click here Print Aa Fired engineer may be back at LIRR soon ...

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Parents Build Nightclub in Basement to Keep Kids Safe, Lights and DJ Booth ... - ABC News (blog)

Every parent wants to keep his or her child safe. One British couple has taken that desire to another level, by building a nightclub in their million-dollar home so their children can enjoy themselves without having to leave the premises.

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