02 April 2012

New EU Data Laws: Cloud Brings Increased Risk Of Massive Fines - ITProPortal

Future EU data protection legislation is set to increase the risk of huge fines for businesses who utilise the cloud. That was the warning delivered by Vinod Bange, a top London-based IT lawyer, as the EU proposes new laws to penalise data breaches.

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'Weak links' make data breaches possible - msnbc.com (blog)

It was only a question of when and how much data the hackers would steal. This time they appear to have gotten more than a million Visa and MasterCard credit and debit card account numbers. The breach took place at Global Payments of Atlanta, ...

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Government 'listening' agency to get powers to watch you on the web - Evening Standard

The Home Office argued that the measure was "vital" to combat terrorism and organised crime and stressed a warrant would be needed in order to access the content of the communications they were monitoring. However that did little to allay the concerns ...

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Facebook, emails and texts to be logged under snoopers¿ charter as Tories ... - Daily Mail

He told the BBC: 'It is not focusing on terrorists or on criminals, it is absolutely everybody. 'Intrusive': Internet users in Beijing, where strict measures allow the government to monitor and control online communications.

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Government plans web and email surveillance to combat crime and terrorism - V3.co.uk

But the government said the content of messages or conversations would not be recorded, only the contacts being made, claiming this fell within existing legal frameworks. "It does not include the content of any phone call or email and it is not the ...

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Steep fine sends message on patient data protection - American Medical News

The federal government's first settlement resulting from a health care data breach reported under a part of the 2009 stimulus bill will cost BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee $1.5 million, on top of what it has spent notifying customers and changing ...

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Card Processor: Hackers Stole Account Numbers - Wall Street Journal

Visa and MasterCard began alerting card-issuing banks in recent days that consumer-transaction data could be at risk due to a breach at a so-called third-party processor. Visa told the banks that the cards were exposed between Jan. 21 and Feb.

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UK mulling online surveillance system, group says - CBC.ca

A Home Office spokesman insisted that any new surveillance program would not involve prying into the content of emails or voice conversations. "It's not about the content," the official said, speaking anonymously in line with office policy.

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Campaigners criticise email and web monitoring plan - BBC News

"What this is talking about doing is not focusing on terrorists or criminals, it's absolutely everybody's emails, phone calls, web access. All that's got to be recorded for two years and the government will be able to get at it with no by your leave ...

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School hours changing to keep kids safe - The National

Shamsa Al Iryani has been sending her children to a school in a different part of town to avoid the congestion. "I placed my children in a school in Al Tuwaiyya to escape the traffic of the schools road," she said. However, her nieces and nephews ...

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