30 July 2012

Hackers steal personal details of 8.7 million mobile subscribers - ComputerWeekly.com

The KT data breach comes a year after a spate of hacking attacks which targeted South Korean government departments, financial firms and a social networking site and web services portal run by SK Telecom. In the worst breach in South Korea to date, ...

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Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal 'A Lot of Fuss About Nothing,' says Rupert ... - Fashion & Style

... son's 10-year marriage to model and actress Liberty Ross will stay intact, reported New York Daily News. 'From what I gather nothing really happened and it is all a lot of fuss about nothing,' Rupert Sander's father told People magazine Friday ...

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South Korean crackers arrested - Register

In the kind of apology you never get from Western companies suffering data breaches (or, for that matter, repeatedly and egregiously breaching their customers' privacy - we know who we're talking about), KT issued a statement to customers saying that ...

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Data theft - Korea Times

... the personal data to telemarketing companies so they could in turn contact customers to solicit them to switch to other mobile operators. Police said the two made more than 1 billion won from the hacking plot. A former KT employee and six others ...

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Tweeting Is Cheating - FemaleFirst.co.uk

Despite the younger Brits having a more relaxed view on cheating, they are less like to forgive their partner for their infidelity. Only 17 per cent said they would try to work ... 23% Track Their Ex On Facebook & Twitter 10 May 2012. It might be human ...

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