02 July 2012

Today in the news: Eric Holder held in criminal contempt - St. John News Online

Both were reacting a the vote by the House of Representatives on Thursday that held Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress. The vote was held over Holder's refusal to turn over documents related to the 'Fast and Furious' case, ...

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Hotel chain lawsuit MUST BE a security wake-up call for the travel industry - Tnooz

The Federal Trade Commission is looking into why almost 600000 credit card numbers including expiry and security codes, were stolen over a three year period in three separate data breaches, resulting in over $10 million in fraudulent losses to ...

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Learning the art of keeping kids safe - Hucknall Today

'This was organised and delivered in partnership with Nottingham City Council and was an excellent opportunity to improve the safety of children in the Bulwell area,' said Coun David Mellen (Lab), lead member for children's services at the city council ...

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