04 May 2012

Card-Data Breach May Be Wider Than First Reported - Wall Street Journal

By ROBIN SIDEL A data breach at Global Payments Inc. might have exposed more credit- and debit-card accounts to fraud than previously estimated, according to people familiar with the matter. At least seven million card accounts are now considered ...

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Feds Seized Hip-Hop Site for a Year, Waiting for Proof of Infringement - Wired News (blog)

RIAA Behind US Government's Failed Domain Name Seizure

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Digital Agenda: New Strategy For Safer Internet And Better Internet Content ... - eGov monitor

These young people are particularly at ease with the use of the internet but they are still vulnerable to online threats. It is our duty as parents to keep our children safe - and this includes on the web. We have to reinforce cooperation at European ...

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Child online safety plans unveiled by Brussels - BBC News

"Young people are particularly at ease with the use of the internet but they are still vulnerable to online threats," said Cecilia Malmstrom, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. "It is our duty as parents to keep our children safe - and this ...

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Consultation on protecting children from internet porn - BBC News

Conservative backbencher Claire Perry has accused internet companies of being "complicit" in exposing children to pornography and "dragging their feet" on the issue. Shadow culture secretary Harriet Harman said "keeping children safe online is a real ...

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CMA to start live surveillance of trading data in June - Business Daily Africa

The new system comes after a Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (CDSC) employee was arrested in March over the theft of Sh15 million from three investor accounts held at NIC Securities. The CMA has in the past recovered funds lost through ...

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The internet helps share cultural content, for better or worse - The Voice of Russia

It's not just about e-business and e-crime, though. Culture is a prime example of this duality. Head of the imhonet.ru recommendation portal Alexander Dolgin, for instance, believes that the main issue of the overlapping spheres of culture and the ...

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Email: Criminal Mind control or 'dry drowning'? - Washington Times

WASHINGTON, May 3, 2012 - Once upon a time, long before the beginning of the twenty-first century, you could go to bed pretty much content that the day's to-do list was mostly done. What you didn't get to that day you could do tomorrow.

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Here comes the Twitter lynch mob brandishing pitchforks - Daily Mail

Many of them also threatened criminal violence. She posted some examples of abuse online so everyone could peer down into the well of slime that passes for comment in the darker corners of the online community. I certainly recognised the tone and ...

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4 Chicopee school employees honored for keeping children safe during shoot-out - MassLive.com

'I told him I would keep him safe.' The three were trapped in the bus while Lauger and police exchanged gunfire for about 15 minutes. 'It seemed like forever,' McCollaum said. 'It is very overwhelming. It is still overwhelming.' While they were waiting ...

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PM orders net porn rethink - The Sun

The PM believes ALL options to keep kids safe online should stay on the table รข€" despite Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt's concerns the move would infringe civil liberties. It comes after Mr Hunt ruled out the idea last month in favour of forcing ...

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