25 March 2012

Activists 'commit more data breaches than cybercriminals' - TODAYonline

Activists such as Anonymous who hack into government and corporate computer networks and then release files to embarrass those organisations were responsible for more than half of all known data thefts last year, according to a new survey.

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Data Breach Costs Drop - InformationWeek

The study also found that the number of data breaches that were caused by malicious attacks increased from 31% in 2010 to 37% in 2011. The leading cause (in 50% of cases) was malware, followed by malicious insiders (33%), device theft (28%), ...

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Hollywood studios plan to sue internet users - New Zealand Herald

They have told the company which owns the servers holding Megaupload's data it has to keep information about members who illegally uploaded movies online in case it wants to sue them later. It is the latest stage in the courtroom battle following the ...

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Murder now comes as an online option - The National

Where online criminals were once involved in the sale of hacking software or illicit video and audio content, they are now using the internet as a marketplace for drugs, prostitution and murder. "Organised criminals, including drug operations, ...

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