06 May 2012

Queen's Speech to mark political fightback for Tories - Telegraph.co.uk

Legislation to set up the NCA will 'pull together' existing agencies such as the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and also house the national cyber crime centre. NCA will police the border and ...

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Security always the priority - Malaysia Star

By AMINUDDIN MOHSIN The recent high profile kidnap case of an international school student reminds us of how important it is to educate our children on safety and the precautionary measures we need to take. IT MAY be an age-old cliché to say that the ...

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Internet porn: PM steps in to 'safeguard children' by saying Government will ... - Daily Mail

But a Downing Street source said: 'Keeping children safe and protecting them from what's available on the internet is hugely important to the Prime Minister. 'He is determined to get the right policy in this area, which is why he has intervened to make ...

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